Heuschnupfen im Winter? Diese Pollen fliegen im Januar

Hay fever in winter? These pollen fly in January

Pollen count in winter

You can read it again and again, pollen doesn't fly in winter. Unfortunately, that is only half the truth. Things get significantly quieter in November and December, but the pollen count doesn't come to a complete standstill in these months either. A current pollen count is therefore always possible. This is not the only reason why a strong immune system is extremely important. 

Pollen counts can also be expected in January. 

Common pollen calendars show the flowering time of the individual pollen types over the course of the year. However, usually only the lowland regions are taken into account. Individual pollens can still cause hay fever even after flowering. The calendar is therefore intended to provide guidance, but not to reliably guarantee freedom from pollen. In addition, the pollen load varies regionally. 

These pollens can actually be on the move in winter:
  • November pollen count: hazel and alder, possibly some October pollen.
  • Pollen count December: hazel and alder.
  • Pollen count January: Hare, alder and birch trees can bloom one to three weeks earlier, for example if the previous winter was mild.
  • Pollen count February: it's already starting, in addition to hazel, alder and birch, elm, poplar and willow are also making their way. 

By entering “pollen count current” in a search engine or using pollen count apps, you can query the respective pollen count for your location.
You'll probably be amazed at what's going on. 

Does the hay fever sufferer have peace and quiet at any time of the year?

However, the problem can be alleviated or even eliminated by taking appropriate measures. If you suffer from allergies or hay fever, you have probably tried many things and many may have disappointed you. Numerous medications, home remedies and desensitization procedures are available on the market. Unfortunately, getting help with hay fever is always a very individual matter. Patient A is helped by a procedure that has no effect on Patient B. 

Fortunately, there is a lot of research and development going on in this area. New treatment options that focus on the body's natural organisms are solutions to alleviate allergy symptoms. Of course, they cannot currently prevent the pollen count. However, your body can learn to deal with this stress so that you do not suffer from any symptoms.

What does hay fever mean and why can pollen be so harmful?

Hay fever occurs when your body reacts to certain, actually harmless, pollens. The immune system responds to the pollen by producing antibodies against the allergen, which bind to certain cells. If you now have contact again, these cells can release histamine. This then triggers allergic reactions such as sneezing, tearing or itchy eyes. Mostly everything together.

So probably the most sensible way is to strengthen the immune system. Because if your immune system is ready enough to defend itself, this will take away the fright of a pollen count in January, in the rest of the year or even the current pollen count.

There is definitely pollen in January and other winter months. If you are attacked by hay fever in summer, this can also happen in winter. Maybe the last cold wasn't a cold. But there is help.
Whether it's the current pollen count or the pollen count in January, you can actively combat the stress of an allergy by strengthening your immune system and do so without side effects.